The Approach
Photographic techology as a tool is very important, but more important is the knowlege and ability to recognise, to capture and to transform something interesting into something special.
Every motorbike is a marvel of engineering and human creativity. Shape and sound, vibrations, movement, colors, contrasts, patterns, curves, energy and emotions. The Rider becomes one with it.
Tomaž wants to capture those precious moments in his unique way. Using his broad and diverse photographic experience in documentary, sports and portrait photography. Always on the search for new and interesting impressions.
We believe, that our bikes have souls. We are soulmates.
The Photographer and Biker
Tomaž Hožič (1968) was born in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and grew up in Austria, Germany and Slovenia.
BSc in Information and Computer Science from University of Ljubljana.
Diploma theme: Multimedia Textbook of Photographic Exposure Theory, 1999.
Diploma presented at the Conference of Multimedia in Baden Baden (Germany), 1999.
Inivited lecture at the Faculty for Computer and Information Science Ljubljana, 1999.
MSc in Information and Computer Science from University of Ljubljana.
Master's Thesis: Choosing an aesthetically optimal photographic image from a sequence of
similar or nearly identical images, 2016.
Photographic honours
Holds F1 from the Photographic Association of Slovenia
Best Colour Print Collection, 44th State Exhibition, Hrastnik, Slovenia, okt. 2007
Solo Exhibitions
"Venetian Masks", People University Radovljica, 2008
"Bodypainting", People University Radovljica, 2008
Group Exhibitions with Photo Club Janez Puhar Kranj
Gallery of Health Care Institute, Celje, Slovenia, oktober 2007
Gallery of Photo Club Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, april 2008
Teacher, lecturer and passionate biker.
Bike experience - owner:
Bike experience - tested/rented:
Pedagogic & Andragogic education
Teaches courses in digital photography
Workshop experience
Attended 2-day course about digital photography at Minolta Austria, Vienna, 1997
Presented Minolta Dimage and Minolta RD175 at Photo fair in Ljubljana, 1997
Technology and market research of digital cameras, for KEFO, 1997
Held seminars about digital photography for employees of KEFO, 1997
Magazine article: "Some truths about digital photography, ŽIT magazine, 1998
Serious amateur photography from 2002 (slides, negatives).
Attended 1-day workshop in portrait photography, SLO-FOTO, 2006
Attended 1-day workshop in model photography, SLO-FOTO, 2006
Attended 1,5-day workshop about studio photography, Janez Pelko, 2007
Attended 1-day workshop in Nude photography, Studio Fe, 2019.
Serious digital photography from mid 2006 to present.
Accepted works at exhibitions
VII. Regional Exhibition JSKD (FZS24/06), Celje, Slovenia, november 2006
Regional Exhibition JSKD, Kranj, Slovenia, december 2006
Format 10 (VÖAV 56/2006), Graz, Austria, december 2006
Photo Espoir Pessacais (FIAP 2007/035), Pessac, France, march 2007
10th VÖAV Salon for Digital Imaging (FIAP 2007/020),Vienna, Austria, apr. 2007
Fotopoezija, Škofja Loka, Slovenia, april 2007
32th Tauernkristall (FIAP 2007/054), Lienz, Austria, may 2007
STROM 2007 (FIAP 2007/009), Ružomberok, Slovakia, may 2007
VÖAV DIA Salon 2007 (VÖAV 12/2007; IIWF 2007/14), Vienna, may 2007
3rd International Rock Photography Salon, Zaječar, Serbia, june 2007
16. Aljaževi dnevi (FZS 16/07), Dovje - Mojstrana, Slovenia, august 2007
44th State Exh of Col. and B/W Prints (FZS 01/07), Hrastnik, Slovenia, okt. 2007
7th Int. Exh. of Photogr. Art 2007 (FIAP 2007/073), Malmö, Sweden, okt. 2007
17th exhibition "Landscape 2007", (FZS 07/2007), Kranj, Slovenia, oktober 2007
1st Int. Salon of Digital Photography, (FIAP 2007/107), Celje, Slovenia, okt. 2007
Man and Metal, (FZS 18/2007), Jesenice, Slovenia, oktober 2007
11th International Photo Exhibition Niš 2007, (FSS 24/07), Niš, Serbia, okt. 2007
2nd Circular Photo Exh. Nature DigiFoto, (FZS 22-25/07), Il. Bistrica, SLO, okt. 07
MIKK Photo Contest - Abstactions, MIKK & FK Murska Sobota, SLO, nov. 2007
29th Regional Exhibition JSKD (FZS 28/07), Kranj, SLO, november 2007
Format 10 (VÖAV 2007), Graz, Austria, november, 2007
1st International Photo Exhibition Zaječar 2007, (FSS 23/07), Serbia, nov. 2007
7th Loka Int. Salon of Photography - Lumen 2007 (FIAP 2007/114), Šk. Loka, SLO, dec. 2007
3rd Int. Photoghaphic Bienale - Carneval 2008 (FZS 30/07), Cerkno, Slovenia, jan. 2008
Architecture - Doors & Windows (FZS 15/2008), Ljubljana, Slovenia, april 2008
11th VÖAV Salon for Digital Imaging (FIAP 2008/029),Vienna, Austria, apr. 2008